Teirab Statement on Feeding Our Future Trial Verdict-

BURNSVILLE, Minn. – Joe Teirab, candidate for Minnesota’s Second Congressional District, issued the following statement on the verdict in the first Feeding Our Future trial. Teirab had previously worked on the Feeding Our Future case as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, helping hold some of the earliest defendants accountable and recouping some of their ill-gotten money and assets.

“Along with the fraudsters who already pled guilty, I am glad that the majority of the defendants standing trial were found guilty today. The verdict confirmed what we all knew: the defendants lied and cheated in order to steal taxpayer money meant to feed hungry kids. It is good to see justice continue to be served in this case, but the reality is that this is still just the beginning.

“I saw the size and the speed of the fraud firsthand as a prosecutor on this case. It was staggering and brazen. Fake names like ‘Getsaname Hester.’ Resorts purchased in Kenya. And even during trial, bags of $120,000 in cash dropped off at a jurors door to pervert justice. I trust my former colleagues in the U.S. Attorney’s office won’t let up until every guilty person in this fraud scheme is brought to justice.

“This case has been a glaring reminder of the fraud problem we face, both here in Minnesota and at the federal level. We still have more questions than answers on how $250+ million was stolen in the first place and why our so-called leaders seemed to turn a blind eye to the fraud. It’s unacceptable and we need new leadership that will be willing to ask the tough questions on how billions of taxpayer dollars are being stolen each year. When I am in Congress, you can bet I’ll be demanding answers.”